Accounting: 6321 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit Are you planning to attend college and major in Business Management, Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, or Finance: OR, do you want a skill that can lead to an interesting entry-level position: Accounting may be just what you need. Learn the accounting system that is used by all well-managed businesses. In this Accounting course, you will learn to record, classify, summarize, and interpret financial data for a business. Automated accounting is included as well as spreadsheet applications. Business Management : 6426 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the characteristics, the organization, and the operation of business. The course is designed to provide students with a sound foundation as they prepare for business or other careers as well as providing an awareness of the many activities, problems and decisions involved in successfully operating a business. Topics include the dynamics of business, labor relations, management functions and responsibilities, the link between business and society, and the importance of working toward a goal as a team. Business Ownership & Marketing : 6431 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit This is a full-year course designed to provide students with a step-by-step approach to starting and operating a business as a sole proprietorship or partnership. The entire course is an extremely realistic practice set in which students will develop a business plan, create promotional materials and analyze business scenarios of current issues in human resource management. Career and Financial Management : 6171 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit Do you know what you want to do with the rest of your life: Do you have a plan: This might be the course for you! Career & Financial Management is a great course for those interested in a business major, as well as those who would just like to know more about business and/or career exploration. Career & Financial Management provides students with valuable employability skills and knowledge of the workplace. Topics covered include: career planning, career development, time management, personal budgeting, purchasing a car, writing checks, balancing a check book, savings accounts, income tax, insurance, and credit. Course work includes projects and hands-on activities that simulate the real world. Introduction to Computer Literacy (OCC CIS 100) : 6371 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit Are you going to college, or do you plan to go to work: Whatever your plan is, this course is for you! Students will demonstrate the skills needed to be an informed citizen, achieve academic success and workplace success, and participate in an increasingly globalized environment. Students will use web applications, word-processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation software and other software as applicable to learn, search, organize and communicate information to an audience. This course will give you the 21st century skills you need for success in college or work. Sports & Entertainment Marketing : 6343 :20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit This half-year course is designed to introduce the student to the world of marketing and how it applies specifically to the sports and entertainment industry. Sports and entertainment are important parts of our modern economy. Fans and companies spend billions of dollars each year on sports. Entertainment is one of the largest exports from the United States to the rest of the world. Mathematics of Business & Finance (OCC BUS 102) : 6411 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit Students will develop skills required to perform mathematical operations pertaining to the world of business and finance. This course is a must course for those entering a business course in college! It will also provide you with one high school business or math credit and 3 college credits from Onondaga Community College which may be transferred to other colleges. Money Management : 6429 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit Do you have the necessary skills to live on your own? This course will arm you with the tools to gain control of your financial future. Money management covers topics such as personal banking (checking, savings and budgeting), buying a vehicle, renting to buying a property, credit (protecting you identity), income taxes, insurance and investing in your future. Course work includes real-world projects and hands-on activities. Cooperative Work Experience : 6475 (CTE Senior Candidates Only) : 40 Weeks : 1/2 Credit To receive credit, students must fulfill the following requirements: 1. be gainfully employed and continuously employed for at least 200 hours in an approved work station between September 1 to the following June 1 of the school year; 2. attend class for work related instruction; and 3. satisfactorily complete all assigned work. Wall Street: Investing in Your Future : 6482 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit This fun one-semester course is designed for all students with a desire to pursue financial security by learning and understanding how the financial markets operate. The complete ins and outs of the stock market and investing will be explained. A simulation of stock market activities will give the students an opportunity to participate in and experience investing options. Social Media Marketing : 6344 : 20 weeks: 1/2 Credit Social Media Marketing is designed to look at the rise of social media and how marketers are integrating social media tools in their overall marketing strategy. The course will investigate how the marketing community measures success in the new world of social media. Students will manage a successful social media presence for an organization, understand techniques to gain customers and consumer buy-in to achieve marketing goals and properly select social media platforms to engage consumers and monitor and measure the results of those efforts. |
A Cooperative Career & Technical Education Work Experience Program (CO-OP) provides an important link between the classroom and the workplace for students age 16 and older. It enhances and adds relevance to classroom learning. High school students often find traditional learning abstract and challenging. They learn better when they can apply what they are learning, can see the theory in operation, and have an opportunity to practice what they are learning in an actual work setting. The CO-OP is essentially a partnership that links school, community, and business/industry to provide a real-world environment in which students have the opportunity to apply, and thereby augment, the knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom. The work experience (paid or unpaid) component of CO-OP is related to the student’s CTE program of study, with the primary goal to develop career relevance and competence. .5 credit / 150 hours |
Unregistered Work-Based Learning Options The Baldwinsville Central School District also offers the following unregistered work-based learning options for students: • Job Shadowing • Community Service/Volunteering • Career-Focused Research Project • School-Based Enterprise • Entrepreneurship • Community-Based Work Program (for students with disabilities) • Work Study (Student earns money to support personal/family needs) Students engaging in these opportunities must complete a minimum of 54 hours under the supervision of a classroom teacher. |