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Baker PTSA

C.W. Baker PTSA

The C.W. Baker PTSA is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, students and administration whose function is to assist and support the school and its students throughout the year.  The PTSA is open to anyone with an interest in sharing ideas in helping to make Baker a strong community in which our students learn and grow.  Please consider joining the Baker PTSA. We are always in need of enthusiastic volunteers. Please find below a PTSA membership form.

We are currently seeking a Vice President, Communications Specialist, Membership Chair, KBR Committee Chairs. 

  • Join Baker PTSA online or by downloadin g and completing the membership form below.
  • Attend monthly meetings to be a voice and part of the vote and decision-making process.
  • Consider volunteering for a leadership position.  We are currently seeking a Communication and Publication Specalist and KBR Committee Chairsrand opportunities to shadow existing officers.  Contact us at to find out more.
  • Volunteer at KBR. This is an incredible event that requires many hands leading up to and on the night of the event.



  • February 8, 2022
  • March 8, 2022
  • April no meeting
  • May 10, 2022
  • June 14, 2022 


  • Keep the Ball Rolling
  • Positivity Project
  • Student Advisory Council
  • Summer Leadership Academy
  • Student Activity Fair
  • Sophomore Orientation
  • Teacher Appreciation Day Breakfast
  • Guest Speakers
  • Cultural Fair
  • Holiday Helpers
  • Desks for students crafted by the C.W. Baker Technology Department
  • Fundraising and member dues also support insurance, NYS PTSA dues, and additional fees


Keep the Ball Rolling (KBR)

The PTSA sponsors and works with administration to provide an annual after Senior Ball Party called Keep the Ball Rolling (KBR).  This event is an incredible night taking place immediately following the Senior Ball in June. Over 400 students attend and enjoy a fun filled night with their classmates back at the high school. The KBR event is filled with food, games, music and raffles. 
This event is possible through generous donations from parents and local businesses.  Please consider donating either online or using the form below.  Baker PTSA and the students who attend this great event thank you!



KBR requires many hands. Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer with efforts leading up to the event and on the night of the event.  We are looking to have Sophomore-Sention parnets help and learn the process of putting on such a big event. Please contact us at  


Other Fundraising - Krispy Kreme Domunts, Four Seasons Car Wash, Ideas welcome.…


Baldwinsville Merchandise – Show your support for your Bees.  Merchandise sales are sponsored by Baker PTSA twice a year.  


AmazonSmile – As you shop please remember to log-on to AmazonSmile and designate PTA New York Congress 03-382 Baker High School PTSA as your charity of choice. When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile foundation will donate .5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Baker High School PTSA. All prices and products are the same as  


If you have any questions, please contact the PTSA at

President - Lyndsey Nicholson

Vice President – Open

Treasurer – Kelly Huntington  (

Secretary - Carrie Benson-Davis (


Donations & Gifts -Open


Link to facebook page